Counting GEMs
If you wish to know how many of each GEM you have in your files, you can use the freq command.
This is what you do:
- Open the Command window
- Type freq
- File in> select the file or files you wish to analyze
- Tier > Include @BG:
- Done
- Tier > exclude speaker tiers
- Done
- The command should now look like this
freq @ +t@BG: -t*
- Run the command
- You will see that the output counts the tokens included in the @BG tiers:
4 act-patient
1 and
2 convergence
2 exam-modelling
1 medical-term
2 prefacing
3 repetition
1 safety-netting
6 transition
29 Total number of different item types used
65 Total number of items (tokens)
0.446 Type/Token ratio
Note: If you have not connected separate words in a phrase, it will count them as separate tokens. For example, a GEM named ‘extreme case’ will output as
To avoid this, use some linking symbol (‘-‘ or ‘_’) when naming the GEM.