How to, Transcription

How to use piping in CLAN


PIPING in CLAN refers to the facility for directing the output from one analytic tool (for example COMBO or GEM) to another tool for a second analysis. The output from the combined analyses is then collated into a single output file. For example, should you have annotated a batch of transcripts with a particular GEM collection, and would like to conduct further searches within this collection and this collection only, the GEM command can be exported to a second tool, which will conduct an analysis on the particular GEM sequences, before generating an output file.

We will look at this, while referring to the Ex11_PIPING .cha file in the workshop folder.

This is how:

  1. In the workshop folder there is a PIPING exercise file. Open it.
  2. You see 2 GEM collections: ‘laughter_sequence’ and ‘other_repair’1. Two of the ‘repair’ GEMs are embedded within ‘laughter’ sequences, and one ‘repair’ GEM is not.
  3. We are only interested in the ‘repair’ GEMs that feature in the ‘‘laughter_sequence’ GEM sequences, and are going to generate a file that includes these, and excludes the other one.
  4. Open commands, and type
  5. gem +slaughter_sequence
  6. +d (this directs the programme to export the collection as a CHAT file)
  7. File in> choose the file you are subjecting to analysis (Ex13_PIPING)
  8. | (the piping symbol)
  9. gem +sother_repair2
  10. in full, it should look like this

gem +slaughter_sequence +d @ | gem +sother_repair

This basically denotes that an initial analysis will be conducted and will output all the

‘laughter_sequence’ GEMs, it will furthermore output these as a .cha file (+d), and this will then will be piped (|) to a second analysis, where only the GEM sequences marked ‘other_repair’ will be output.

The eventual file will then only include the 2 ‘other_repair’ sequences that were embedded within the ‘laughter_sequence’ section, and will exclude the ‘other_repair’ GEM that was not associated with a ‘laughter_sequence’ sequence.

See below for output file. You see that it includes the 2 ‘other_repair’ sequences embedded in the initial ‘laughter_sequence’ sequence, and has not included the third ‘other_repair’ GEM.

Remember to save this output file as a .cha file if you want to play the data from this file.


Conduct an analysis on the laughter_sequence GEM collection, specifically looking at how much each participant speaks (hint: the duration of each person’s time at talk within these sequences).

1 It should be noted that the workshop files are for training purposes only, and do not include annotations based on proper analysis

2 Note that the programme only searches for the initial standalone word, unless directed not to (see info sheet on COMBO for directions on how to combine words in a search)

> gem +slaughter_sequence +d @ | gem +sother_repair

gem +slaughter_sequence +d @

Fri Jan 9 15:29:08 2015

gem (20-Sep-2013) is conducting analyses on:

ALL speaker tiers

and ONLY header tiers matching: @BG:; @EG:;


From file </Users/spencer/Workshop CLAN/Nottingham/02. Linking Software Workshop


From file </Users/spencer/Workshop CLAN/Nottingham/02. Linking Software Workshop


gem +sother_repair

Fri Jan 9 15:29:08 2015

gem (20-Sep-2013) is conducting analyses on:

ALL speaker tiers

and ONLY header tiers matching: @BG:; @EG:;


From pipe input

*** File “pipeout”: line 12.

@BG: other_repair

*DIM: but five of them have been translated into english


*ROS: or six

*FRA: well three

*ROS: three ⁇co-⁇ erph- ⌈i’ve got it i’ve got quite a long list here⌉

@EG: other_repair

@EG: laughter_sequence

*** File “pipeout”: line 26.

@BG: other_repair

*FRA: ⌊i do love⌋ sailing boats

*ROS: you d- you love sailing boa⌈ts⌉

*FRA: ⌊no ⁇b-⌋ no⁇ just kidding

@EG: other_repair

@EG: laughter_sequence

*** File “pipeout”: line 36.

@BG: other_repair

*ROS: i- i think people think that germans eat a lot of mus⌈sels⌉

*BIR: ⌊no⌋

not at all

*ROS: no↗

@EG: other_repair

@EG: laughter_sequence



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